Vittoria Basilavecchia


Degree in Law from the University of Florence obtained in 2016, defending the thesis “The ex officio declaration of contract nullities”.
In 2018 she attended a Master in IT Law organized by CIRSFID (Interdepartmental Centre for Research in the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Law and in Computer Science and Law of the University of Bologna).

Professional experience

After completing her training at the Avvocatura Distrettuale dello Stato in Florence, she has gained significant experience in the field of industrial and intellectual property, working initially as an IP consultant in a company specializing in information technology law and then collaborating with a firm in Florence specializing in industrial and intellectual property law.
Since 2023 she has been collaborating with the Costa-Creta Law Firm, where she focuses mainly on Intellectual and Industrial Property Law.

Professional associations

Member of the Bar Association of Florence



